this is a site. you will write blogs.
and do it anyway?
Published on September 8, 2007 By secondchances In Misc
I am the deepest sort of fear in you
I am the breath of lust
I find you in your darkest place
I tell you I am trust.

You've told me once to leave you be;
to let you rest tonight.
But how could I just let you live
in peace without a fight?

I see you cry in bed alone
For that ONE you hold so dear.
I see you love Him more than life
but not more than your fear.

I am that of which you long
when He is far away
You know, with just a gentle touch
I can cause your faith to sway.

But now, I shouldn't be so cruel
I'll let you be alone.
I know that time will do the trick
You'll wreck this on your own.

on Sep 08, 2007
Drips with melancholy.

Me likey. It scans rather well; my only complaint is the rhyming of "fight" with "fight" in the second stanza, but what can I say? I'm a picky poet.

I haven't gotten around to commenting on all your poetry, secondchances, but I like what I see. Keep them coming.
on Sep 08, 2007
I'm a picky poet.

Heh, so am I at times.

Have to agree with SanCho on the melancholy. Also, I feel a bit of scathing bitterness in there.

Not bad, not bad at all.

on Sep 09, 2007
YAY ME! Thank you guys!!! SanChonino~I haven't read any of your stuff either yet...I guess that's what I'll do NOW! And Zoo~you make for a very faithful friend.
on Sep 10, 2007
Hey secondchances, I'd love to get your feedback on the last poem I wrote. It's right here. Let me know what you think.
on Sep 10, 2007
Its never to late...I do miss you...I to also left
on Sep 11, 2007
Its never to late...I do miss you...I to also left

Hey! Wadda ya know?!!! You DO listen to me sometimes...
I miss you too.
on Sep 11, 2007
So if i may ask what changed?
on Sep 11, 2007
Alot and then at the same time nothing at all i guess. It/s hard to explain, but I might find a way in words that my mind can't quite form yet.
on Sep 13, 2007
Alot and then at the same time nothing at all i guess. It/s hard to explain, but I might find a way in words that my mind can't quite form yet

You will have to tell me one day
on Sep 18, 2007
the rhyming of "fight" with "fight" in the second stanza, but what can I say? I'm a picky poet.
Have a reading problem there's only one fight.