this is a site. you will write blogs.
Published on September 7, 2007 By secondchances In Misc
To taste you is like to taste death
only sweeter on my tongue.
I can only describe this feeling
when I fit you into my dreams.

I make the error of wishing
on not the wishing well,
but rather the forbidden fruit.
Yet who shall be granted a wish such as that?

I found that touching burns my soul.
Yet I would rather scald out my eyes
than to let an inch of your bliss go unnoticed.
So I can do neither without the other.

I want to rip you apart
and lay you on my mind.
I want to feel your skin
on my lips.

I find you this way every night.
So why not in the daylight
when you are real?
Why always in my dreams and not my hands?

on Sep 08, 2007
Wow...that's pretty intense. I can definitely sympathize with the point you make....been there and had the same feelings.


Oh...and *cough*spelling*cough*

on Sep 08, 2007
Ha! thanx Zoo. I'm notorious for bad spelling. I actually do it so frequently, I beleive it will become my trademark. I prefer to use the term "original speller" as I have created a new spelling trend. N E ways...still waiting for your inspiration? I hope it comes soon...I miss reading.
on Sep 10, 2007
To quote little-whip . . .
