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care to love me now?
Published on October 21, 2007 By secondchances In History
Imagine for a moment what it feels like to have heart shaped razors dancing a tango through your stomach. Does it hurt? Not nearly as much as it should. Let's continue. Now think of a hope no a regret same thing so it doesn't matter-don't hurt yourself. Calmly set them both-or none-ablaze. Don’t bother calling the Stoutsville Fire Department it’s far too late now. Think of the bright side, friend! Now you have a book end although it doesn't serve much purpose we can look at it together. So what do you say? Next weekend-same time? I'll bring the heart shaped razors now you try to swallow them.
on Oct 21, 2007

Imagine if you will, that those razors run through your soul...each and everytime you think about certain things.  At least pain is easier to bear if someone is with you.

Interesting poem.


on Oct 22, 2007
Imagine if you will, that those razors run through your soul...each and everytime you think about certain things.

thank you

At least pain is easier to bear if someone is with you.

or is it just pointless that you are draging them into your pain?

Interesting poem.

yes it is. lol. Thank you Shaun for reading this so critically and caring about what i'm saying.
on Oct 22, 2007
or is it just pointless that you are draging them into your pain?

Never...not if they truly care about you. That's what friends are for, at least that's MY idea of friendship. When you're in your darkest places...who else would come to save you but a good friend?

Thank you Shaun for reading this so critically and caring about what i'm saying.

As I said above...that's what friends do(and lovers if you got the right one).
